Message from the Dean
Welcome to bet36365体育’s College of Business and Technology (CBT).
As I enter my fourth year here, and reflect on the events, accomplishments, and challenges of the past three years, I am humbled, amazed, and proud. I am humbled by the tremendous support that I and the college have received throughout all we have endured, most notably a global pandemic. I’m amazed at how our faculty, staff, and students continued to do what has been necessary to meet our mission through these tremendously challenging times. Finally, I’m proud at all we have accomplished – what we’ve accomplished would be worthy of much pride even in the easiest of times.
Here is just a short list of what we’ve accomplished in the last three years: opening of the Discovery Hall, renovation of the student-run Brewed Awakening and the lower level of West Center, renovation of all or most of 8 classrooms in West Center, the opening of the CBT Career Closet, nearly a complete overhaul of almost all classroom technology in both West Center and Discovery Hall, new ABET accreditation in Computer Science, reaffirmed AACSB accreditation in business, reaffirmed CIDA accreditation in Interior and Product Design, new AACSB accreditation in accounting, and the hiring of about 15 outstanding, new faculty.
Over the past five years more than 90% of our graduates have found employment in a career tied to their major or have been accepted to graduate school. About 80% of our graduates chose to pursue a rewarding career right here in Nebraska. The CBT Career Center deserves a lot of credit as they guide our nationally acclaimed internship program – a majority of our students complete internships for credit, more than half of them receive job offers as a result, and over two-thirds of the students accept these offers. Students completing internships earn starting salaries, on average, more than 10% higher than those who forego internships.
The College of Business and Technology is not just about change, we are about progress. Whether you are a prospective student, a current student, an alumnus, or another stakeholder, we welcome you and look forward to what we can do together!
We are nearing completion of a strategic plan that will guide the college for the next 5-7 years. I’m confident it will be bold and I’m equally as sure it will help us deliver on our mission to provide transformational career-focused programs dedicated to extraordinary student experiences and regional economic development in Nebraska. In addition to our long-standing, highly respected undergraduate programs, our MBA program is growing because it delivers a unique, blended learning experience and skills development not easily duplicated through other delivery models. Recently added tracks in Cyber Security and Business and IT Education provide complementary skillsets in very high demand by employers.
On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students, I want to extend a personal thanks to all of you that continue to help us on this journey. Your investments of time and money are making a difference. As always, we appreciate your support.

Timothy E. Jares
Dean, bet36365体育 College of Business and Technology
Dr. Jares joined CBT in 2019, most recently serving as Chair and a Professor of Finance at the University of Northern Colorado’s Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business. His contributions to organizational focus and evidence-based decision-making played a key role in Monfort College’s recognition as the first and only college of business to earn the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
In addition to his work in academics, Dr. Jares has extensive professional experience as a software engineer and consultant in software design, investments, and performance excellence. Dr. Jares received numerous honors at Northern Colorado, including the Monfort College Professor of the Year and the University’s Teaching Excellence in Undergraduate Education Award. He has published more than 30 journal articles, proceedings, and book chapters on topics ranging from exchange-traded funds to organizational performance. He has also given numerous presentations and keynote addresses on the Monfort College’s integration of the Baldrige criteria, its use of evidence-based management, and on the results the College achieved.
Dr. Jares earned a Chartered Financial Analyst designation from the CFA Institute, Ph.D. and Master of Business Administration from UNL and Bachelor of Science in mathematics and computer science from the University of South Dakota.